Tal is the founder of Zuz Guru in Tel Aviv. She’s also called Mom to her adorable two-year-old son, Amos. Becoming pregnant made Tal want to dive deeper into a more mindful pre and postnatal practice of her signature blend of reformer pilates, barre, yoga, and meditation exercises. She has a cult following throughout Israel and abroad thanks to her accessible zoom classes and special retreats. We caught up with Tal on the challenges of being in the fitness industry during Covid, her favorite parts of being a Mom, and what motivates her.
How do you manage juggling being a full-time entrepreneur and the face of your brand while also being a Mom to a toddler?
Amos is growing up around constant movement. When he was just two weeks old, I went back to teaching in the studio while he was in my arms, being breastfed or sleeping. The combination is not always easy and it takes a lot of collaboration between myself and my life partner, Omry, who helps me a lot while I am teaching.
During Covid, you had to pivot your business seemingly overnight to include digital content- how did this work out for you? Are you back to in-person sessions now?
Omry was responsible for the shift to digital, which I was strongly opposed at first. The thought of leaving in-person instruction behind was tough. Today, I find the combination between teaching in the studio, private lessons, leading retreats, and online classes to be magical and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
What advice do you have for other women who want to start something of their own?
Not to be afraid, you can do it all. Dream as far as possible, and don't forget to enjoy the ride as it's unfolding.
When you get a minute to yourself for some “me” time, what do you do for self-care?
Practicing yoga by myself.
What is your favorite part about being a Mom?
Knowing that I am a creator of the most beautiful kind of art this world has to offer.
Best piece of life, career or parenting advice ever received?
You are good. You are strong. And it is okay to have low moments as well- learn how to let go in life.
What motivates you to keep going on the hard days?
A good conversation with my life partner who always knows how to bring me back to my equilibrium.
What does a perfect weekend look like for your family?
Quality time at home, just the three of us. Simple as that.
What were some of your go-to maternity and postpartum pieces? Is there anything you’ve needed but couldn’t find that you wish for The Line 9 to create?
Good, comfortable, and well-fitted leggings. Always! Luckily, The Line 9 already carries these and I still enjoy wearing them.
Shop Tal's Look: The Jogger / The Tank and The Legging / The Tee