Shiry is one of Tel Aviv’s fashion darlings. Born and raised in Tel Aviv, Shiry knows this city inside and out. After becoming authorized as an Ashtanga teacher from the Guru, she started Come Om activewear in 2015 as the athleisure movement was starting to gain momentum in Israel. Countless women became fans of her effortless approach to yoga and street style. These days, you can find her curating the retail boutique at Beit Hana, caring for her adorable daughter, Tamara, and eagerly awaiting her first son due in March. We caught up with Shiry on starting over in business and her thoughts on transitioning to a Mom of two.
How has this pregnancy differed from your first?
In my first pregnancy I felt amazing. I was truly high on life- super happy, energetic and grateful. With my second pregnancy, the first trimester brought a lot of morning sickness and extreme tiredness. It’s hard to be so physically challenged while chasing after a toddler. It’s a strange feeling of being excited, yet knowing how the journey unfolds. It’s definitely reassuring to know what’s ahead in the process though.
How do you expect things to change for you and your family once baby #2 arrives?
I think we’ll figure it out one day at a time. My only experience with a newborn was under such bizarre circumstances. We had Tamara three days before the first Corona lockdown started. We don’t really know what it’s like to be with a newborn in a world that’s a bit more calm and has relatively come back to life. We’ll see how it unfolds. Many people tell me the second child brings a lot of change to the family dynamic, but we’ll see what happens.
Come Om operated from 2015-2020 with much fanfare. What do you miss the most about running a business? And the least?
I miss the creativity of bringing an idea to reality- the whole creation process really. I also miss the valuable feedback from customers. I do not miss working alone. The loneliness of operating a small business as a one-woman show is very real.
As the head buyer of Beit Hana’s boutique, what local brand are you most excited about right now?
I love Inhale/Exhale. It’s a locally designed brand that produces the most amazing savasana blankets and shawls for winding down after a yoga practice.
How important is building a community and support-network to you, and how do you go about nurturing that?
As bad as I can be about proactively keeping in touch with people, I’m very proud of the fact that I still have at least one very good friend from every phase of my life. They understand my background and have a shared history with me that’s constantly evolving. It’s fun to enter new chapters of life together and still be able to lean on one another.
When you get a minute to yourself, do you have a self-care routine, and if so, what does it entail?
I definitely prioritize self-maintenance. I have my yoga practice that I modify throughout pregnancy depending on what stage I’m in, and I also do pilates twice a week. Besides being active, I try to eat healthy even though I’ve had a crazy sweet tooth this pregnancy! Lastly, I enjoy a good manicure and I love to read. There is always a big stack of books by my bed.
What is the most rewarding thing about being a Mom? And the most challenging?
The most rewarding thing by far is seeing my daughter smile. Every day my husband and I look at each other and ask ourselves how we got so lucky to parent this amazing and playful creature. The most challenging part is the notion that you’re not as free and spontaneous as you once used to be.
Best piece of life, career or parenting advice you’ve ever received?
Before I started my business, I sat with a good friend for coffee. She asked me what my biggest fear in starting the business was. Instead of saying I was afraid of failure, I found myself saying that I was actually scared of succeeding. It clarified for me that the only thing holding myself back was a fear of success and nothing else. Once I realized that, it was easy to acknowledge that fact, let go and try.
What does a perfect weekend look like for your family?
We love going every now and then to the Galilee region to spend time outside and in nature. There is so much more space and fresh air than Tel Aviv, it’s refreshing.
What were some of your go-to maternity pieces in your first pregnancy and have they changed in your second? Is there anything you’ve needed but couldn’t find that you wish for The Line 9 to create?
For my first pregnancy I was trying not to buy anything “maternity.” By the last trimester though it became clear that I was no longer going to fit into my normal clothes, especially the items I needed to get me through the winter time. Luckily I ended up borrowing some basic pieces from friends that held me over until Tamara was born. I still have these borrowed pieces for my current pregnancy, but I’m also investing in my own. My latest purchase was a classic french terry jogger pant. I would love for The Line 9 to create something like this silhouette in a thicker material!